Volunteer Week
Volunteers are the unsung heroes of our game and without them we know rugby wouldn’t happen. Volunteer week is just one of many opportunities to recognise and thank those who give up so much of their time.
The RFU have produced assets that you ca use on your social media through the link – Volunteer Recognition Opportunities (https://www.englandrugby.com/…/volunteer-recognition…).
There is also the Big Help Out (https://www.thebighelpout.org.uk/), which is taking place 7th-9th June, and is the biggest mass volunteering event of the year taking place across all sectors, with organisations able to register opportunities online to help promote to a wider audience (to give an idea of scale over 7 million people got involved last year).
We hope you take advantage of this week to thank your volunteers.
(photo courtesy of Simon Grieve, Banbury Rugby Club)