Updated March 2024
Our Executive Committee are at the core of our organisation, key to our operational effectiveness and work across all teams to help us deliver results. At the Oxfordshire RFU all roles and levels are important for the organisation to function and represent our culture of teamwork and respect.
Age Grade Rugby Sub-committee
The principal role of the Age Grade Rugby Development Sub-Committee is to help plan, enable and facilitate further development of Rugby Union in the Member Clubs with a view to increasing participation, raising standards and deepening community links within the framework of the ORFU Strategic Plan.
The Age Grade Rugby Development Sub-Committee shall comprise a Chairman elected by the General Committee each year following the AGM and at least two other members co-opted to
serve on the Committee and shall meet not less than three (3) times each year.
The Age Grade Rugby Development Sub-Committee shall be accountable to the Executive Committee for overseeing all matters assisting Member Clubs to improve and for advising Member Clubs and the Executive Committee.
Specific responsibilities shall include:
- Identifying the needs related to the Age Grade Game (Under 7s to Under 18s)
- Develop an action plan based on the identified needs
- Strive to grow the game by focusing and delivering interventions that
- Increase the number of new Age Grade Rugby players in our Member Clubs
- Increase the retention rate of existing Age Grade Rugby players in our Member Clubs
- Increase the re-engagement of former Age Grade Rugby players in our Member Clubs
- Improving the quality of on-field and off-field workforce in our Member Clubs
- Prepare and manage the agreed budget for the areas of Age Grade Rugby Development identified in the Oxfordshire RFU Local Rugby Plan
- Attend the monthly meetings of the Oxfordshire RFU Executive Committee
- Host forum meetings with Member Club Mini & Junior Chairs and / or Club Coaching Coordinators to create a joint understanding of the needs / solutions and action plans
- Chair a sub-committee of volunteers to achieve these goals
- Work with the RFU Local Delivery Team and CB Executive Committee to achieve the goals identified above
Finance Sub-committee
The principal role of the Finance and Funding Committee is to maintain the solvency of the ORFU, ensuring compliance with all relevant Laws and Regulations.
The Finance and Funding Committee shall be chaired by the Hon Treasurer and otherwise at least two other members co-opted to serve on the Committee and shall meet not less than three (3) times each year.
The Finance and Funding Committee shall have the power to exercise the full delegated authority of Oxfordshire RFU when the Executive Committee is not able to meet.
The Finance and Funding Committee shall be accountable to the Executive Committee for overseeing all financial matters relating to the ORFU’s accounts and for advising the Member Clubs and Executive Committee.
Specific responsibilities shall include:
Reviewing the proposed annual budget for the ORFU with a view to recommending the same to the Executive Committee or making proposed alterations thereto for consideration and approval by the Executive Committee and/or, at its discretion the General Committee.
1. Managing the ORFU budget process and production of annual accounts, and where necessary management accounts. Undertaking the day to day bookkeeping and management of the financial affairs of ORFU.
2. Production of the annual accounts and other management accounts for ORFU, and where necessary arranging for any auditing.
3. Ensuring ORFU’s general corporate compliance with financial legislation and regulation and where appropriate communicating any exposure to risks and liabilities, so that such matters are adequately understood, monitored and appropriately insured.
4. Reporting to the Executive Committee.
5. Monitoring revenue and expenditure against budget.
6. Overseeing and mitigating, so far as possible, the impact of all taxation, including corporation and value added tax, as may affect ORFU from time to time.
Competitions and Tournaments Sub-committee
The principal role of the Competitions and Tournaments Committee is to regulate, manage and promote the Oxfordshire Cup Competitions and regularly review the effectiveness and format of tournaments together with making policy recommendations on changes and new events.
The Competitions and Tournaments Committee shall comprise a Chairman elected by the General Committee each year following the AGM and at least two other members co-opted to serve on the Committee and shall meet not less than three (3) times each year.
It shall be accountable to the Executive Committee for overseeing its areas of responsibility.
Specific responsibility shall include:
1. Regulating promoting and administering Countywide competitions
2. Determining the format, choosing venues and inviting teams to participate in competitions
3. Managing and running the County Cup competitions
4. Inviting clubs to participate in any National competitions that are appropriate.
5. Recommending to the County Committee for approval of any new regulations to the County Cup and Shield competitions.