Below is some feedback we have received on SEND rugby in the county… always looking for more.

“Lilia has been attending the Wolves for nearly 2 seasons now and she absolutely loves it! Infact when we had to miss a few weeks due to the bad weather she was very annoyed and frustrated about it.
The things that Lilia has gained from attending the Wolves:
- Feeling part of a group/community
- Exercise
- Being with other young people with disabilities she is included and if she drops the ball it doesn’t matter
- Learning new skills that are helping her balance and co-ordination
- Having an activity at the weekend (as we know finding suitable things is not easy) so she is not sat at home
- She feels happy when she’s playing the games
- The coaches make her feel welcome and engage with her at an appropriate level
- She is encouraged to try without being “mainstreamed coached” which would put her off
- She is very proud if she gets the arm band
It is funny when people find out the Lilia attends “Rugby” she is extremely tall and slim quite delicate looking, so it is not something you would expect her to be involved in. Lilia enjoys the structure of the sessions they are predictable for her and she understands the rules of the games and what is expected of her in each part. This is very important to her, once she is settled into something she relaxes and will start to engage more and become more involved.
It is wonderful that the Wolves has been set up and Lilia can attend such an inclusive activity with other young people. What makes it so successful is the coaching team, they are kind, understanding and patient. I also feel it is important that the rest of the Rugby Club see the Wolves as much as possible, we are not tucked away at the back, we are where everyone else has to walk past and this is how we will help our whole community move forwards in accepting and helping people with disabilities – I have had people comment to me about the group and how brilliant it is who have just been walking past.
We are super proud of Lilia and all the Wolves and love watching their enjoyment and progress each week.”