Tax/VAT Webinar – Tuesday 13 April at 7.30pm. Please contact our secretary for the Zoom dial-in.
Potential cash windfall for clubs
Russell Moore, the RFU retained VAT advisor, will be talking Oxfordshire clubs through the specific VAT relief available to not for profit sports clubs that has not been widely used to date. 65+ clubs across the country have successfully had retrospective claims settled for between £5k and £28k totalling £750k and we would encourage all clubs who might be eligible to take opportunity of this windfall to review their position.
If your club can say yes to the following four questions, then it is likely that a potential windfall is available to your club and it is recommended you join the webinar:
- Is your club constituted as a not for profit entity?
- Is your club registered for VAT purposes?
- Do you have a bar facility?
- Does your club hold events to raise funds for the club?
He will also pick a number of other VAT related topics that are pertinent to the current situation to help clubs navigate through the VAT implications
Future county committee meeting dates and previous minutes can be found here.